Starcraft war chest earning xp
Starcraft war chest earning xp

starcraft war chest earning xp

Purchases will end March 2nd, after which players will get double exp until the War Chest closes March 30th. Phase 2 will unlock January 5th, and Phase 3 will unlock February 2nd. $150,000 of the proceeds will go to the tournament's prize pool. This war chest introduced customizable consoles, as well as exp boosts for Co-op Missions. A portion of the funds go towards the Intel Extreme Masters 2018 Katowice tournament.

  • Portraits of " Shadow Wars" characters and WCS 2017 finalists.Ī second War Chest was released on December 9th.
  • One rare loot chest in Heroes of the Storm.
  • The following rewards are given upon the first purchase of any War Chest: The following features are available from the War Chest: Terran Tier War Chest features will be available for individual sale from January 2018, though the emoticons, decals, sprays, and portraits will remain exclusive for those who purchased the War Chest. From this point to November 4 (when the chest closes), experience gains will be doubled. As of October 5, the War Chest was no longer be available to purchase. The first War Chest released July 19th, 2017. War Chest Seasons Season 1: BlizzCon 2017


    With the BlizzCon 2019 War Chest, a new free catagory of the chest was added, available to everyone for the duration of the War Chest with no purchase required. In 2017, war chests received the most attention from a development perspective, alongside Co-op Missions. All rewards for the War Chest are purchasable after the event ends, but the War Chest itself provides a large discount.Ī portion of the proceeds from war chests went towards StarCraft e-sports events and tournaments. Alerts were generated on the web and in the game's client to let them know when a war chest season has begun. The seasons themselves were not tied to ladder seasons, but rather to WCS events. Exp gain for the war chests will be doubled int the last month to help players catch up.

    starcraft war chest earning xp

    Unlocking one then purchasing another race's War Chest will give the player they made with that race. There is one war chest per race, each having its own set of rewards. Each tier unlocks more rewards than the preceding tier. The War Chest loot works on a tiered system. Automatic rewards are given upon purchase of the War Chest, and at the end of a season, players receive rewards just for participating. Loot from these chests include skins, emoticons, decals. Every time they level up the war chest, they will receive prizes. For each War Chest, players do a one-time nominal payment, and receive a "treasure map" that they will level up by playing the game's multiplayer and/or Co-op Missions.

    Starcraft war chest earning xp